Christmas has been called “The Most Wonderful Time of the Year.” And, in so many ways it is. It can also be called, “The Busiest Time of the Year.” We add to our already overscheduled lives things like - decorating the inside of our house and outside, gifts for everyone we know. Christmas parties, travel, cards, cookies, movies alongside end-of-year deadlines, school finals, kid’s sports and so much more. What can easily happen is that we can miss Jesus at Christmas. Many people do. First, they forget that Jesus is the Christ of CHRISTmas, and it is His Birthday we celebrate. Second, we Christians can just be so busy with all the trappings.
How can we not miss Jesus this Christmas? Here are seven ideas for you:
1. Read the Christmas Story before you open your presents. This is a tradition we started in our family several years ago, and it makes a big difference. Read Matthew 1:18-25 and Luke 2:1-20. Better yet - if you have kids, let them read it. Then, talk or think about the Greatest Gift of All that has been given, “to you.” We give gifts to one another because God first gave to us.
2. Give your kids, family or friends a new Bible. - So often we buy gifts that are here today and gone tomorrow. But God’s Word is “alive and active.” Bible sales in America are up 22% this year because people need help and hope. Give your kids, spouse, extended family member or friend a new Bible this year. Put their name in it and yours as well. They will keep it for years and God’s Word never returns void. Jesus is “The Word of God became flesh.”
3. Go to church and worship. - Make church a priority during the Christmas Season. I know this is the busiest time of the year, so set your priorities on worshipping Jesus. From Sunday Mornings to Christmas Eve, set these as bedrocks and then schedule around them. If you are traveling, watch online. As the carol says, “O Come Let us Adore Him.”
4. Listen to Christmas carols. - Speaking of Christmas carols, this is a great opportunity to think about Jesus all day at home, work or in the car. Put on a good spotify Christmas playlist. And, not just “Christmas songs,” like “Grandma & Reindeers” or “All I Want for Christmas is You,” but songs about Jesus. Play the songs and let the words penetrate your heart and soul. Check out our RH Worship Playlist!
5. Have a birthday party for Jesus. This is always a special time if you have children or grandchildren to remind them that Christmas is not just a time for them to get gifts, but for us to celebrate Jesus. Bake a cake together, light some candles and sing “Happy Birthday to Jesus.” Your kids, grandkids, nieces and nephews will love it! What a great and teachable moment and fun!
6. A Christmas ornament for your tree. - This can be as elaborate or simple as you like. You can buy or make something that you can hang on your tree to remind you of Jesus. Maybe it is a Bible verse that meant a lot to you this year or something you saw God do in your family - a vacation place, a picture of a baptism or a family picture. What a great way to celebrate Jesus’ work in your life and family every year.
7. Find time to be alone with God to say, “Thank You.” - Family and friends are wonderful. But, you also need some personal time with the Lord. Schedule a time early in the morning or late at night when you can be alone to pray, worship and meditate on the goodness of God in your life. Thank God for sending His Son and give Him all the glory for what He is doing in your life.
I hope these ideas help you to truly see and worship Jesus this Christmas. One last encouragement - drink deeply of this Christmas time. There will never be another Christmas exactly like this one. People travel, plans change, kids go off to school, get married, see in-laws, and the list goes on. This is your one chance to experience this Christmas, so embrace it and enjoy it. Bring peace, joy and love into your heart and home. Everything will not go perfectly, and that is okay. God is with you. You have friends, family, church and so much more. Experience the love and grace of Jesus this Christmas.
Merry Christmas!