Every seven years, Rolling Hills allows our Pastoral Staff to take a Sabbatical. This is such a special time of having several weeks to spend with the Lord - being renewed and refreshed in Him. Every seven years the Lord told the Israelites to “let the land rest.” I was blessed to have a Sabbatical this summer, and it was amazing. My time with the Lord was so deep and special. Times of prayer, journaling, and listening to Him. Also, time with family was incredibly special. My kids are growing up so fast - a junior in college, a senior in high school and a sophomore in high school. I am realizing how fleeting and precious is any extended time together. I’m so grateful for my time with the Lord and with my family.
Sabbatical is also a time to study, plan and prepare for the next season of ministry. This gave me an opportunity to visit or watch seven different churches around our country. There are many great churches out there, and I am so thankful for our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ as they serve the Lord in their area. It was great to experience how they do church - to pray for them, to encourage them and to learn some things for us, as a church, to apply as well. Overall, God used these to strengthen my call in what we are doing at Rolling Hills. We are truly a part of something very special - a movement of God. Seeing so many other churches made what God is doing at Rolling Hills right now so affirming to me!

During this sabbatical, I was able to be at Rolling Hills Student Beach Week Camp. It was awesome to be with Lisa and my kids and see how our God is raising up the next generation of spiritual leaders. I love what God is doing at our church in the lives of students. God is calling out some incredible godly leaders. In addition, I was able to take our family on our Rolling Hills JMI Moldova Mission Trip. Wow! This was amazing. My kids loved it! As we served with orphan and vulnerable children in this poor country, we even had the opportunity to minister to many Ukrainian and Gaza refugees. So many children and students accepted Christ, and it was a highlight of the summer. In Moldova, we are transitioning to a new leader with Justice & Mercy Moldova - Vadim and his wife, Kate. God has His hand on them, and there are great days of ministry ahead in Moldova. In addition, we have new offices in downtown Chisinau and we have a new headquarters in the Amazon. Our God is on the move in missions!

After the Moldova Mission Trip, we flew to meet Grace, our oldest, in London. Grace was doing Study Abroad this summer, and the Lord worked it out for all of us to meet and spend some time in Europe together. It was amazing to show the girls a different part of the world and different cultures. We took only carry-ons and backpacks and caught trains, buses, subways, and trams to see different places. It was a great adventure, and our time together was worth it all. Also, to church buildings in all the different cities and towns and to think of the brothers and sisters in Christ in different generations who built these as a testimony to their God and a way to impact future generations for Him. Truly renewed my commitment to Christ and His Church.
The Sabbatical time allowed me to read some great books as well as to listen to sermons and podcasts. In addition, the time allowed me to pray, dream and work on the next years of Rolling Hills. As I prayed, I truly felt the Lord leading and the vision He revealed is incredible. I worked on the next five years of sermon series and direction. Wow! I’m so pumped. Definitely felt the Lord’s presence in that time, and I believe these next 20 years at RH are going to be awesome. Overall, I’m so thankful for the summer, but also so glad to be back. Great days ahead, and I am more fired up and ready than ever before. I’m more in love with God, my family, His Church at Rolling Hills, our commitment to missions in JMI, and ready to live the rest of my life for His Name and His glory. Come, Lord Jesus! I love serving our God with each of you. Thanks for your prayers, love and encouragement in this sabbatical and in the great days ahead. All glory to our God, and blessings on you today.
