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The Importance of Family Vacations

In a few days, we are leaving for our summer family vacation. This is something that has become so important for us through the years. Lisa and I haven’t done everything perfectly as parents, but this is one area we have done well. We have made family vacations a priority. Sometimes there are bigger trips and sometimes small getaways, but the value we set on this time is a priority. I know some people who say, “Well, we have never taken a vacation.” – like this is a badge of honor to their work ethic. I always want to respond, “I’m

so sorry. You are missing out.” I believe you need a family vacation and your kids need the time with you.

Like everyone, there is always something that tries to keep us from taking a family vacation each summer. First, there is time. It takes time to plan a vacation, and it takes time to go on a vacation. Trying to line up schedules for five people – especially as kids grow older is near impossible unless you make it a priority and then schedule everything else around it. Then, there is cost. Some bigger trips do cost more, but there is a way (if you plan far enough out) to find deals. The smaller and closer trips – hiking, camping, and more can have minimum expenses. Yes, there is a cost, but it is worth it. Then, there are always the last-minute “emergencies,” whether at work, at home, with family, or with friends that make you wonder if you should go. There is never a perfect time. There is always something “else” that comes up. But, you must push past the “emergencies” and prioritize this time with your family.

A family vacation is so important. Spending time together with your family is a growing challenge. I talked with a dad recently who has four kids from middle school to high school. He said, “Because of sports, work, school, church…, I don’t think we have had a family dinner together in over two years.” Life is busy! It is busy for us and our kids. A family vacation forces us out of the rat race, off the hamster wheel, and allows us precious time together. Time to talk, pray, love, and share what is really going on in our hearts and lives. Kids open up on vacations. The distractions of life are gone for a while, and they feel safe to be who they truly are. Whether on long drives, in a tent, or hotel room, the time with our family is invaluable.

This is why we don’t let our kids take friends on our family vacations. Some families do, and If you do, then that’s fine, but just know this definitely changes the dynamic. We cherish this time with just our family. We know we are making memories for our kids that they will hold on to for the rest of their lives. Friends, in elementary, middle, and high school, come and go, but family stays. We don’t want to dilute the memories or share the time. This is “our” time together, and it makes us closer. We share stories throughout the years and they become special markers in our family.

Family vacations are also an incredible time to talk about the deeper things of life. We are so inundated with the trivial in our everyday lives. To be outside, in God’s creation, is so life-giving. To lie on our backs and try to count the stars. To gaze out in the ocean. To see the sunburst at the end of a beautiful sunset. Wow! Only God. And, then to talk with our kids about their Heavenly Father who created it all. To point them, and all of us, to the One who is truly in control of our lives in this crazy world in which we live. Our kids need this greater perspective, and so do we. Plan to see and talk about God and His beauty on every vacation.

I encourage you to make family vacations a priority. Push past the excuses and carve out the time. Yes, vacations help recharge your batteries and give you rest, but even more, they grow your family deeper and stronger together. Don’t miss the opportunity you have to create memories for a lifetime. And, don’t miss the opportunity you have to grow kids who love God, love each other and love your family. Know I am praying for you and your family. As a parent, you are impacting generations. What you do, starting now, will be carried on not only with your children but with your grandchildren. Set your priorities right and well. And, invest time for family vacations every year.

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