This weekend was tough. We had two funerals that really impacted me. One was a 14-year-old named Nate. Nate was an amazing young man, so full of joy, who died after a two-year battle with cancer. Nate was very involved in the Student Ministry at church and his family is amazing. Such strong Christ-followers, and very engaged in the life of the church here at Rolling Hills. The other funeral was for Josh, a 27-year-old, who grew up here at Rolling Hills. Josh and his family have been at Rolling Hills since the movie theater days. In fact, Josh was baptized at the movie theater. Josh died in a car wreck. Both funerals were truly heartbreaking, and yet because of their faith in Jesus, there was still a feeling of hopefulness even in the tragedy.
After these services this weekend, here are a few lessons that should impact us all:
1. Nothing matters more in your life than Jesus. - At a funeral, it doesn’t matter how much money you have, what car you drive, how many Netflix series you have watched - all that matters is Jesus. The only way to Heaven is through Jesus. I have been to a lot of funerals, and you can tell the families who know Jesus and the ones who don’t. Even though there are tears and broken hearts at both, the ones with Jesus know they will see their loved ones again. Without Jesus, where’s the hope? Where’s the hope for the family and friends? 1 Thessalonians 4 says “We grieve, but we do not grieve as people who have no hope.” We grieve the passing of these two young men, but we do not grieve as people who have no hope. I know we will see Nate and Josh again, and this brings me - and especially their families - much hope and peace.
2. Nothing is worse in this life than losing a child. Sitting with parents in the passing of a child is devastating. There is nothing in this world that compares to it. No one should have to outlive their child. God created a perfect world, but then man sinned. And because of this sin, there is death, disease and decay. Hurt people hurt people. One day it will all be made right, but until then we must live in this broken and fallen world. I have deep sympathy for parents and families who walk through this darkest valley. My prayers are constantly with these families. But, the families that know Jesus know this is not the end. They will be together again.
3. Don’t live with any regrets. If you have relationships with your family, friends or even God that you have regrets, anger, hurt or pain, deal with these now. Don’t keep carrying unresolved guilt, shame and/or pain. Tell the people closest to you “I love you.” Say to people, “I forgive you.” Don’t harbor bitterness or resentment. Let little things go and talk through the big things. Life is too short. We all think we are entitled to 78 years since this is the national average; however, we are not promised tomorrow. Be sure all your relationships are healthy before you or someone you love passes from this life to the next. And, if someone you are close to does not yet know Jesus, then please talk to them about this. Even if they don’t accept Him at the time you talk, you can always have the peace that you told them. Live with no regrets.
4. Be involved in church. If you don’t have a church, you need one so find one. Find a local church and then commit to be involved. Both of these families were in church, and you could see the impact. The large crowds to surround them, the food, the flowers, the Scripture verses, the prayers and the love. We all desperately need God and we all desperately need each other. I don’t know how people make it through life with Jesus and without the church. But, especially in the hard times. We need people to surround us, but we also need people to surround our family if something were to happen to us. Don’t wait until a crisis comes to try to find community - find it now. A crisis will come. This is the world we live in. A diagnosis, an accident - something can happen at any moment. Find a church and get involved today.
5. Always be ready. God could call you home at any moment - The mortality rate today is 100%. We will all die. We don’t like to think about it, but it will happen. If you haven’t done a Will, then do it. Contact an attorney today. If you don’t have life insurance for your family, then get it. Don’t keep putting it off. And, if you have never asked Jesus in your life, then stop reading right now and get on your knees. If you have never been baptized, then contact a pastor today. Always be ready. Plan like you have 30-50 years more on this earth, but live like this is your last day. If God were to call you home tonight, are you ready? If not, get ready.
I will sure miss Nate and Josh on this earth. However, I know that their celebration of life services is not the end of their story. In fact, they are more alive than ever before. No more pain and suffering, but whole well and fully healed. They are home. And, their legacy lives on inside of each of us. By God’s grace through Jesus, we will be with them one day. May we live our lives, for however long we have left on this earth, fully for Jesus. One day we will be in Heaven, but until then let’s learn from Nate and Josh and make the most of the time our God gives each of us. Heaven awaits! So, let’s be ready today.