You were created to worship. And, the fact is that we all worship something. Every civilization that has ever existed in history has had some form of worship. Think about the Greek and Roman gods. The Vikings, the Aztecs, the Mayans, and more. God created people with the desire and the capacity to worship. Now, we can worship ourselves, but innately we all know there is something bigger than us. There is something or someone that is worthy of our worship. There is a God-shaped hole in all of us – the question is how will we fill it?
Worship centers us. Worship reminds us that God is God and we are not. This is why worship is so important in our lives. When God called out His people, He established worship. The 10 Commandments begin with, “There shall be no other gods before Me.” Exodus 20:3. This is so important to God and to His people. Worship is how we keep God first in our lives. We desperately need worship. This is why God established the Sabbath, “Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy.” Exodus 20:8. God knew we would need a day to be set apart for worship and rest. This is why church is so important. Don’t let work slip in and steal God’s worship. Also, worship is more than just one day a week.
A great definition of worship is “Worship is our response back to God for who He is and for what He has done in our lives.” Worship is how we live. Worship is more than four or five songs on a Sunday morning. Worship is how we live our lives – how we love, serve, give and live for Christ every single day. As the apostle Paul writes, “Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God – this is your true and proper worship.” Romans 12:1. Coming to church on Sundays should encourage us to live a life of worship every day. Constantly responding back to God for who He is and for what He is doing in our lives. Praying continually, being grateful, and giving God the glory constantly is how we live a life of worship.
Our biggest challenge in this area of worship is drifting away from God and beginning to worship the things of this world. This has always been the struggle for God’s people. King David’s son, Solomon, built the Temple back in the Old Testament, but then later in his life, his heart drifted from God. He began to worship money, power and pleasure. It is important to periodically evaluate your life to make sure you are not drifting from God. Worship is “your mind’s attention and our heart’s affection.” Look at where you spend your time and your money. We, too, can begin to worship money, power, or pleasure. We can put a job, success, a sports team, or even our own children before God. Not that these things are bad; in fact, they can be blessings from God, but we must always keep God first. Worship is how we do this. Nothing in this world will ever satisfy, only God! We long to be faithful all the days of our life and worship helps us do this. Worship is that gauge that helps us measure and fuel our heart for God.
Sometimes people come in late to church and they miss the “worship.” I encourage you not to do this. Make a commitment to arrive early and to come ready. We arrive on time (or early) to our jobs or even taking our kids to school. Come to church expecting God to move. Come to worship ready to receive and be filled with God’s goodness and grace. This will make such a difference in your worship experience at church and throughout the week. Prioritize God in your worship.
This coming Friday, February 25, at 7 PM, we have a Worship Night at church (at our Franklin Campus). Our Worship team has written a brand-new song and helped to craft a special time for all of us in worship. I encourage you to come and be filled with God’s Presence. I’m praying for this night and for every Sunday morning. I long for God to draw us close to His heart and to allow us to live a life of worship. This reminds us that our God is Sovereign and in control. I don’t have to worry or be afraid – God’s got the situation and God’s got me. I can simply do what I was created to do – I can worship Him!