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Birthday Reflections

Writer's picture: Jeff SimmonsJeff Simmons

This past weekend I celebrated another birthday :). We checked the girls out of school early and headed down to one of my favorite places, SATCO (San Antonio Taco Company), for lunch and then off to TopGolf for a fun Friday afternoon. We laughed, played and ate. Then, ate some more. I think we had four desserts that day :). Overall, the entire weekend was a celebration filled with fun, family, food and more.

On Monday morning, I woke up early (probably because I had a stomach ache from eating so much :), but I had a chance to reflect on the birthday and on life. I was overcome with gratitude for the following:

1. God’s goodness and grace in my life – I am so thankful to be a child of God. He has truly done “immeasurably more” in my life, and I am forever grateful. I cannot thank Him enough for salvation in Christ Jesus. It was never anything I did, but everything that He did for me. I want to be grateful every day.

2. God’s presence in my life – Not only did God save me from my own sin, but God has lavished His Spirit and love on me. I feel so blessed to live each day with HIm. The joy, peace and love I feel each day from God fills me and empowers me to grow deeper and more in love with Him.

3. Family – I love my family. We have so much fun together. I do miss Grace being here. Her being at college has left a void in my heart, but I know she is in the right place and doing great. But, being with Lisa, May and Kate is so much fun watching them grow in the Lord. Also, having my mom still with us is such a blessing.

4. Friends – I am so blessed to have the greatest friends in the world. I have college buddies that still all reach out on birthdays. Friends from all walks of life who are always there for me. Friends at church, on our staff team, in Bible Study, Community Group, sports and more. Old friends, new friends and all the years in between. I was truly overwhelmed by the texts, emails and social media birthday blessings and greetings. I am truly thankful.

5. Church – I do love God’s Church. I am so grateful for what God is doing at Rolling Hills. As I reflect on what He has done in 20 years, I can say, “Only God!” It is truly only His hand of blessing and grace. I love seeing God transform lives for His glory at Rolling Hills and grow fully mature disciples. What a journey and what a mighty God I serve.

Overall, I am grateful. Birthdays are a chance to look back on your life, and I look back with no regrets. I am far from perfect, but I truly see God’s hand of blessing, grace and redemption throughout my entire life. I evaluate where I am today, and all I can say is that I am thankful. I feel like I am in the center of His will, and there is no place I would rather be. Circumstances change, but God never does. And, birthdays are a chance to look forward. I don’t know what the future holds, but I know Who holds the future. And, I want to hold onto Him all the days of my life.

This year, when your birthday comes, take time to reflect on all God is doing in your life. And, I pray, you will be overwhelmed with gratitude in your own heart and life. None of us are perfect, but with God, we can always be grateful. Thank You, Jesus, for my life and another birthday.

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