God’s Word is always spot on. At Rolling Hills, I plan our sermon series two to three years in advance. Then, last Friday, the Supreme Court overturned Roe v Wade. This is one of the most monumental rulings in our nation’s history. The Sunday following this landmark decision, our Biblical text for the day was Mark 10. As I was praying about how to share with our church family about the Roe v. Wade decision, God said, “Let Me do it for you.” In God’s Sovereignty, Mark 10 begins with Jesus protecting women. The Pharisees were promoting a law Moses gave in Deuteronomy 24 that a man could simply give his wife a “certificate of divorce” and send her away for no substantial reason (even burning a meal). Back then, women had very little rights and without the covering of a man, women were vulnerable. Jesus responds with God’s establishment of the strong bond of marriage and protects women. In fact, as you read through the Gospels, Jesus does more for women’s rights than any person in history.
The next story in Mark 10 shows how much Jesus loves children. Jesus is teaching and the disciples are trying to keep parents from bringing their children to Jesus. Jesus says, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not hinder them…” Jesus loves children. “And He took the children in His arms, placed His hands on them and blessed them.” Throughout the Gospels, you see Jesus loving and protecting children.
How awesome is this! Jesus reveals His heart for women and children right here. Not one or the other, but both. Precious babies and moms. Our God is the Creator and Sustainer of Life. In Jeremiah 1:5, God says, “Before I formed you in the womb, I knew you…” This is true for the babies and for all mothers. God has a plan for each person. And, our care must extend to all.
In my life, I strive to be Biblical and not just political. Politics is important. We need godly leaders. In the Bible, we are called to pray for our leaders. I’m thankful for godly leaders who step up to serve our city, state, and nation. It is not easy, and yet their decisions impact us all. We all need to vote and be active to make our city, state, and nation better. However, as Christ-followers we must always be Biblical over political. Politics is based on man and changes quickly, but God’s Word lasts forever. Our hope is not simply in some political party or politician, our hope is in Jesus and His Word. He is greater! And, He ultimately wins the final victory.
This past Sunday, we also told the story of John Newton. John, who was a slave ship captain in Britain, later called out to God and had a spiritual conversion experience. He went on to become a pastor. He shared Christ and prayed alongside William Wilberforce for the abhorrent Slave Trade practice to be abolished throughout the entire British Empire. There are times, as Christ-followers, that we must stand up for what is right and fight against what is wrong in our own nation. Yet, we always do this by representing Jesus and with humility and grace. In 1747 he wrote the hymn “Amazing Grace.” Think about this, we are still singing the words to this song that was written even before the United States became its own country. Our God is bigger than politics. Our God is greater! His Word and His love endures forever.
In Mark 10:45, Jesus says, “The Son of Man came not to be served, but to serve and to give His life a ransom for many.” As Christ-followers, we are called to love and to serve. The Church has always been about taking care of children and women. The Church is the one that started hospitals, orphanages, adoption agencies, schools, and more. Many politicians will talk about what needs to happen, but it is the Church who lives it out. This is truly our time to continue to be the Church at Rolling Hills. To find ways to look after children and to minister to the needs of women. This season is no exception. Let’s offer grace and love. Let’s live out the Word of God. This is our time, so let’s live out Mark 10 in our world today.