Last week, I had the amazing privilege to be with our middle school and high school students at the Rolling Hills Beach Week Student Camp. It was awesome! These students are amazing. They are so full of life and joy. There was so much cheering, playing, laughing, and worshiping our great God. The fun was off the charts, and it was an awesome God-filled, life-impacting week for everyone. My entire family was there, and we all loved it!

There is so much energy when you bring 330 middle school students, high school students, and adults together for one week without their cell phones! What? I know – think about it – could you go a week without your cell phone? But, what happens is a deep connection with God and with others. Students are present – fully present. No distractions. So, they can hear from God and truly be with others. New friendships are formed and true discipleship happens in their relationship with God. They can ask questions to help them grow deep spiritual roots that will last a lifetime. And, I loved having a front-row seat to see it all happen!
So many students accepted Christ Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior this year – praise God! So many students made a commitment to be baptized as an outward symbol of what God has done in their hearts. Many others made decisions to stop addictions in their life such as pornography, eating disorders, rage and so much more. Praise God! This is truly the healing power of Jesus. Our theme this year was “Cover the Earth.” Habakkuk 2:14 says, “For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord as the waters cover the sea.” Students learned to look for God, listen to His voice in a world that calls out to them, receive His Son, and live for His glory. They are a part of God covering the earth with His love and grace.
I’m so thankful for a church that invests in the next generation. These students are not just the church of tomorrow, but they are also the church of today. There should be an emphasis on preschool, children, and student ministry. Jesus loved the little children as we see in our “Masterclass” study this summer (Mark 9 and 10). Where else will students hear about Jesus if not at church? It won’t be at school, on the news, or online, so it must be us. Our Family Ministry Team partners with parents to not only raise great kids but even more godly adults who impact their families, community, and the world for Christ.
I will forever be grateful for Jesus and His saving grace in the lives of my own children. Also, I will forever be grateful for my kids growing up at Rolling Hills. They all know they are loved. They all have other godly adults in their lives to speak truth and wisdom into their hearts. They all have a spiritual foundation on which to build for the rest of their lives. All three of my children have been at Rolling Hills all their lives, and praise God for what He has grown in them. The joy, the peace, the confidence, and the leadership will last them a lifetime.
Praise God for all He did at Student Camp and for all He will continue to do in the lives of these students for years to come. As a first-time adult volunteer leader said, “I’ve never been to anything like this in my life. The worship, the teaching, and the joy. This is a family. These kids love each other. I want to be here every year!” Our God is at work, and all glory to His great Name. May the love, grace, and joy we experienced at camp truly cover the earth.
