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Don’t Miss It

Writer's picture: Jeff SimmonsJeff Simmons

Last week, my high school daughter called and asked me to come to be a part of her grade’s lip sync battle at Summer Camp. Our Middle School and High School students were at Panama City Beach, Florida, for Church Camp, and I was at home in Franklin working. I had extreme FOMO because I love Camp, and I know God always moves in a mighty way there, but I had a lot of work to do. On Monday when she called and asked me, I said, “No way.” I had already planned out my week, and I had a lot to do. Then, she Facetimed me on Tuesday, and this time with some of her friends. They talked about how much fun it would be if I just showed up and surprised everyone. Again, I said, “No, I have too much to do.” They even offered me $10 each to come :).

That night, I started to think about it, and I even prayed about it. The lip sync battle was the last night of camp – Thursday night. It is an 8-hour drive to where they were, but Lisa had driven down there. On Wednesday morning, I looked online and there was a flight into Panama City that left Nashville at 4:30 pm and arrived at 6:45 pm. I realized I could go to my meetings on Thursday, catch the flight, be there that night and leave early the next morning and drive Lisa back (I knew she would be tired from a long week at Camp). This time, on Wednesday, when Mabry called to ask me one more time I said, “Yes. I will be there.” She was so excited! She even Facetimed me the dance, so I would know what to do.

It was epic. We didn’t tell anyone, so it was even a surprise for my other two daughters who were at camp as well. My flight was delayed, but I still arrived at Camp by 9 pm – just in time for the lip sync battle. Mabry’s group was the fifth group up, and it was so much fun. Everyone was surprised, and we had a great time. I love my daughter, and she has amazing friends. Her 10th-grade group went on to win the overall Camp Championship, and I was so glad to be there to see it all. After the lip sync battle, I had a chance to talk and pray with our senior class. Many of these kids I have known since they were babies at church. I have watched them grow up, so it was special to be with them that night. After a short night’s sleep :), I woke up to load the car and drive Lisa and my girls back home. Less than 24 hours, start to finish, but an amazing memory for a lifetime!

Don’t miss it. When you have an opportunity to do something with your child, your spouse, your friend, jump on it. Embrace it. Life is short. I think about dropping our oldest off at college this past year, and this impacted my perspective. Life goes so fast. Take advantage of every opportunity you can to invest in the people and the things that matter in life.

At camp, one of the student leaders who was a senior last year said, “I wish I had come to camp every year. I let summer sports get in the way, and I missed so many great times with the Lord and with these amazing friends here. These are the important things in life.” This is so true. Don’t let work, sports, social media and other temporary things keep you from the best things. Do a great job at your work, but prioritize family and faith. It is fine to play sports or for your kids to play sports, but don’t let it become your “god” or their “god.” Miss a practice or a game to be at church, camp or a mission trip – these are way more important and life-impacting.

I’m so thankful for all the adult leaders at camp who took a week of vacation to pour into their own kids and their friends. They are making an eternal difference, and I am so grateful for them all. I am so thankful for the adult leaders who teach and serve every Sunday at Rolling Hills and churches all over the country and the world. They are not missing it! They are not sitting on social media or consumed by trivial things, but they are investing in what will impact eternity.

Don’t miss it. We get one shot at life. One opportunity. We can pour our time into things that are here today and gone tomorrow or we can invest in the things that matter and truly build something beautiful with our life. It is the everyday decisions that matter. It is talking with your child or spouse instead of scrolling and watching other people live. It is praying, giving, and going, when the Holy Spirit prompts you, instead of making excuses. It is embracing the moments you have been given for the glory of your great God. Don’t miss a moment of your life.

And, when your high school daughter asks you to do something – do it. Yes, you may end up being a little tired, but you will make a memory that will last for a lifetime :).

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