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Father’s Day

Writer's picture: Jeff SimmonsJeff Simmons

This Sunday is Father’s Day. Now, this holiday is definitely not as important or celebrated as Easter, Christmas or Mother’s Day, but I think it has value nonetheless. I know I am biased – I am a dad, and I love being a dad. It is awesome! I have three amazing kids who I love more and more every day. And, by God’s grace, I grew up with a great dad. My dad did not come to know the Lord until he married my mom. But, when he gave his life to Jesus, he was all in. He was fully committed, and this translated into being a great dad to me and my sister.

I know this is not everyone’s experience to have a good dad around. I know not everyone had a great dad growing up or is in a good relationship with their dad today. Father’s Day can be a struggle for many. To this, I would say to you, “I’m sorry.” Men can be hard. Men have been taught to be tough and unemotional. Many times this impacts all their relationships. Also, there is the problem of sin. Men can be selfish (all of us can). Men can hurt, wound and leave. The actions of a dad impact the entire family and even generations.

But, God. God is the perfect Father. In fact, this is what was so radical about Jesus. Jesus taught that God was His Father, and then that the Sovereign God of the Universe wants to be our “Father.” For the Jews, God was to be revered and held in awe. He is God, and reverence for Him is important. For the Jews, and for many today, they miss the relational side of God. They miss the God who wants to be involved in every way in our lives – in our joys and definitely in our struggles. They miss the compassion. They miss the love. They miss this relational side of Holy God. Jesus taught His disciples to pray, “Our Father,” to show that God wants to hear from us and that He is a God who loves, shows grace and is always present.

Don’t project onto God your hurt and pain from your earthly father. God is the perfect Father. He promises to never leave you nor forsake you. The role of a Father is to provide and protect. But, the role of a Father is to also love, disciple and encourage. God is the One who wants to have this kind of relationship with you. Sometimes we look for too much from our earthly dad when we need to be depending and relying on our Heavenly Father even more. Learn to find your worth, value and identity in your Heavenly Father. You are a son or daughter of the King of kings and Lord of lords. Trust Him completely regardless of your earthly circumstances.

This Father’s Day, take time to thank and encourage the men in your life. It is not easy to be a dad today. Dads feel the weight of providing for their family and sometimes this leads to a disconnect emotionally. I apologize for us when we are distracted and miss the mark. But, please pray for all dads you know to be men after the heart of God. Their obedience, or disobedience, impacts families and generations. They need our love, support and prayers.

Also, take time to thank your Heavenly Father. Draw close to Him, and He will draw close to you. Thank Him for always being there for you, and recommit your life fully to Him.

Finally, if you are a dad reading this, thank you. Thank you for living out your greatest calling. I am praying for you and cheering you on as you lead your family and love those God has put around you. Stay strong in the Lord and stay faithful to Him all the days of your life. I am right there with you. We are not perfect, but God is using us to make a difference. Keep fighting the good fight and let’s make an impact on our families and the next generation for His glory. Well done, and…

Happy Father’s Day!

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