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Revival and Spiritual Awakenings

For the past several weeks, a Revival has been taking place at Asbury College. College students began worshiping and praying at chapel one day and have continued on for days, now going on weeks. Day and night, coming before the Lord. People have traveled from all over the country to join in this special movement of God. The last line the pastor said at that first chapel was, “Lord, revive us by Your love.” And, God did. I’m praying, alongside many, that this spark will ignite fires of revival all over our nation.

Revivals are for the people of God. It is a time when God calls His people back to Himself. Revivals occur when God’s Spirit falls fresh upon a group of His people. Revivals are marked by worship, prayer, repentance and confession. As people truly seek God in an intimate way, they are drawn back to His heart. As Jesus wrote to the church in Ephesus in the book of Revelation, “Yet I hold this against you. You have forsaken the love you had at first. Consider how far you have fallen! Repent and do the things you did at first.” Revelation 2:4-5

Revivals spark repentance and renewal. Christ-followers are convicted of sin and turn back to God. It happens so often that we drift from the heart of God. We live in this sinful and broken world, so when we stray, God pursues us with the power of His Holy Spirit. Revivals bring God’s people back to His heart and to His mission. Revivals lead to renewal in hearts, churches and communities.

Revivals are different from Spiritual Awakenings. Revivals happen in churches and in smaller gatherings and for a distinct amount of time. Revivals are marked by worship, confession, repentance and prayer. There have been “Revival” services held for hundreds of years throughout our country. God is moving in the lives of His people today.

Along with Revival, there are times of Spiritual Awakenings. Spiritual Awakenings are similar to this incredible outpouring of God’s Spirit, but they are different in that they last for extended periods of time and they impact people who are far from God. There becomes a movement of God that sweeps across an entire country. In the United States, there have been four Spiritual Awakenings, or what many have called Great Awakenings in our nation’s history.

The first Great Awakening occurred in the 1730-1740s. It was led by pastors like Jonathan Edwards and George Whitfield. Many people came to know Christ during this time. The church grew exponentially. It was a clear movement of God. The Second Great Awakening was in the early part of the 1800s and was led by pastors like Charles Finney. Many judges, lawyers and leaders in our nation committed their lives to Christ. In fact, some believe over a hundred thousand plus committed their lives to Jesus during this time.

The third Great Awakening occurred in the 1850-1860s when a businessman named Jeremiah Lanphier began a prayer meeting in New York City. Many people believe that over one million people came to faith in Christ during this Great Awakening.

The fourth Great Awakening, many believe, occurred in the 1960-1970s. It has been labeled “The Jesus Movement.” In fact, there is a movie coming out about it soon. Time Magazine ran a cover in 1966 that said, “God is Dead.” Then, Spiritual Awakening occurred. Our God is definitely alive and moving! There is a God-shaped hole in every person. We try to fill it with everything else – money, success, relationships – but it can only be filled by God. There come these points, when people, individually and as a whole, realize our desperate need for Jesus.

I believe this is happening right now. Revival is coming into the hearts of His people. Christ-followers are repenting and returning to the heart of God. As this happens, God’s people begin to pray and share with others. God’s Spirit moves, a Great Awakening occurs, and our history is altered. Many articles propose “God is dead” today, but this is when God actually does His greatest work. This is God’s time. And, this is our time to be His people!

Our nation is primed for a Spiritual Awakening. God always begins with His people. Those who are called by His Name. As 2 Chronicles 7:14 tells us to “pray, seek His face, turn from our wicked ways,” then He will “hear from heaven and heal our land.” Come, Lord Jesus. May revival start in our hearts and may His love and grace spread to our families, communities, country and world. May the Lord God Almighty bring Revival and a great Spiritual Awakening today. Let’s pray together and let’s allow revival to come into our hearts.

Photo Credit – Daily Citizen, Focus on the Family

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